If you are like me or any other POI (Person of Indian origin), it is very likely that you are in the R2I dilemma and assessing yourself to do R2I or stay back where you are.
Unfortunately, we are 'neither here not there' types since we are born in India and also have seen the Western parts, which are much more developed than countries like India. Based on my thinking before R2I and experience after R2I, I have tried to put together a simple spreadsheet that can help you decide whether you should heed to that 'internal pull' towards the home country or stay back where you are.
As I said in my earlier posts, R2I is a very individualistic experience and something that is a major factor might be a very small factor for somebody else. I have assigned weights based on my situation and have tried to come up with a fair set of 'For R2I' and 'For NR2I' factors. Add and subtract weights and factors as you see fit. Assign your priority numbers and see what you come up with. If your PRO R2I factors weight more than Pro NR2I, you should strongly consider R2I before it is too late. But, be aware - by no means, this is not a scientific approach. So, use as you see fit. Good luck :-)
As always, appreciate your feedback in the comments area.
Below is the collection of some websites that you will need to know and will find quite useful during R2I. General R2I info: Of course, my blog with step by step guidelines has to be useful!: http://r2idiaries.blogspot.com/