Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What is available in India - @ HomeTown ...

One of the key issue for us during R2I was to decide what to ship and what to sell/drop. Input to this was what is available in India. Once you get used to the items that you are already using, it is hard to drop everything and start over, especially with kids. We did check with friends/family in India before we decide to sell the items and I should say most of our decisions on what to keep versus what to sell were correct. Everything is available in India but for a price (and sometimes for a steep price!).

For example, we decided to keep our leather sofa and ship it (for the added cost of shipping these). As you can see below, a leather sofa set can cost a good amount in India.

To give an idea on what items are available, I have attached some pics from the shopping catalogs of HomeTown (similar to HomeDepot in US) ...

Note that prices in these large stores are usually much higher than the normal stores like Star Bazaar or Total. In this case, HomeTown is the high-end arm of Star Bazaar. However, these pics should give a good idea on what is available in India these days.

HomeTown products:
