Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reasons for moving: Life gotten bit dull?

Frankly, I thought life in US was bit dull! Of course, there are good friends with whom you can talk and meet but the most common topic was back to technology(after doing technology for the whole week at work!!). That was the best common topic for the groups. 

The setup in US facilitates work/productivity - which some times you get too much of it, I think. There is the uninterrupted power supply, internet, hot water with no wait, much less traffic jams, if you can plan around that (like staying close to work, starting bit early/late to work, which are possible) but at the end of the day, you have put so much work for an employer, who can throw you out with a day notice? 

Appreciate your feedback and comments, please leave a comment if you found this post useful (or not!) ...

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