Sunday, September 4, 2011

TODOs: Home sale ...

This topic needs an entry of it's own - this can easily make or break the decision of returning. 

If you are stuck with a home, one of the option is rental but that depends on where you live - Getting the right buyer who likes your home, can afford a loan and pay the price that you are willing to take is a time consuming process. If you want to sell the home, you should be out of the home a year in-advance. This also makes it easier to go for a one year lease with a rental before you pack off.
You might be debating about the merits of the sale a year in-advance and the hassle of another move which is just for a year. But, think of this move as a prep - you get to know how much stuff you have and use this move as an opportunity to box off all those stuff that you don't need for daily use - the items in showcase collecting dust can be safely packed off for a year! The items cloths you don't need can be bunched out and donated. This is a chance to sort out the items that you don't need and keep them aside for sale. At then end of the move, if nothing, you know how much stuff you have collected over the years and how much of those can be disposed off. That way, this move for a year is worth every penny and minute that you spend.
If you push the sale to last minute, thinking about the hassle of another move for a year, think about the last minute tension of getting a deal on the home, which is a time consuming process by itself and you want to do that when you are not distracted with move details like getting an apartment back at home, schools for the kids etc. 

If you can't sell the home in-time, another option is renting out but that depends on the location and availability of renters. If you know a good agent, it might be worth it but remember that item will be in your back of the mind always - with no quick access, you will possibly need to rely on an agent to do the renting business. Unless you own a home on which you don't own lot of mortgage, this could be a very unpredictable business, depending on whether you get a renter or not. If you have lots of mortgage and can dispose off the home without loosing a lot, it might make sense to return with clean hands. If you know for sure that you want to keep that home for future with the certainty that you will be back in few years, it might make sense to keep it - however, who knows for certain how conditions are going to be down the line in several years and also you are 'going back for good', right??

Appreciate your feedback and comments, please leave a comment if you found this post useful (or not!) ...

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